Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
God mode
the story i thought i was setting out to write was more shorter...much more fablelike....and it not end like that...i dont know how it did end originally anymore...there was some kind of ending.....but once the story was underway the real ending become inevitable....
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Nine nine nine
we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well....
and yet everything happens only a certain number of times.....
and a very small number really....
how many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood....
an afternoon that is so deeply a part of your being that you cannot conceive of your life without it?...
perhaps four....
or five times more?....
perhaps not even that.....
how many more times will you watch the full moon rise?....
perhaps twenty.....
and yet it all seems limitless...
fuck yeah....damnit....nothing happen....
Sunday, September 6, 2009
to reflect life back at us...
set a mirror correctly...
and it will lie so convincinly...
angle it right....
and a mirror become magic casement...
it can show you anything you can imagine and maybe a few thing you cant....
Thursday, August 27, 2009
die tanye office lu kat mane ke...
atau die tanye name company lu ape...
confius beb....
gua asyik bagi jawapan silap je....
ade tak jawapan default yg bleh jawap soalan nie...
Saturday, August 22, 2009
selamat berpuasa bitches!!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Eleven urgh
but if a person cant deliver.....if she keeps screwing up....
eventually i guess you kinda just have to say fuck you.....
or words to that effect....
squaring the circle my friend....
squaring the circle....
Sunday, August 16, 2009
All hope is gone

there are various reason why an individual might habitually consume large quantities of alcohol.... but they all effectively boil down to same thing...
it almost 5 in the been a long day....the elevators are out of service.... so i had to climb the staircase... i dont know... it like hundred of steps.... i live in the eleventh floor for god sake.... im not counting... even though i try...i wont remember it head blank from the mouth reeking from cigarettes.... drunk as i get.... im amazed myself for i can climb those step back to my apartment through the whiskey fog....a simple has only to accept the fact of being drunk at the face ifs ... ands... buts....only the statement i am drunk plain and simple...
the hallway was a dead silent...more silent than it suppose to be.... thats when i noticed the red pumps at my feet.... red pumps ive seen before...
she was slumped over the dining table....forehead on her arms....profile hidden by straight black hair...a patch of untanned white neckline showed between the strands of hair through the open sleeve of her print dress... one ive seen before... a glimpse of a brassiere strap....looking at her back called up memories...memories of time before ive met her...
"well then" ...i said to her...
as expected ...there were no reply...she should been asleep... should have been crying... or even worse dead...i sat down opposite her and rubbed my still not this a hallucination....or real....maybe my eyes try to cheat me... projecting something that on my head try to make it real....
"want some coffee?" ...i asked her...still no i make 2 cups of instant coffee...while doing that i asked her again ....
"been here since last night?" ever so slight nod of her head...this might be real... it not a figment of my make sure i asked again...
"youve been waiting all this time?" answer....the instant coffee are i set the 2 mugs on the table...
"drink" ...i said...try to start a conversation while being cool at the same time....still silence...
"be better if you drink something" ....
it was thirty seconds before she raised her head slowly.....evently....and gazed absently at the picture hanging on the wall....a few strands of hair lay plastered againt her dampened aura of wetness about her....
"dont mind me" ... she said...
"i didnt mean to cry" ....i held abox of tissues to her....she quietly blew her nose... and then brushed the hair from the cheek....
"actually... i planned on being gone by the time you returned....i didnt want to see you" .....
"but you changed your mind... i see" ...never been in this situation i try to keep my cool...i lit 2 cigarettes....1 for me and another to her....
"i went to a funeral...when it was over...i went to bar" ...
"you dont need to explain anything to me" ...she said...
"im out of the picture already" .....
"im not just making a conversation" ...
she shrugged and pushed her brassiere strap back inside her dress...her face has no expression...she asked me if the deceased is someone she knew....i told her that the dead is an acquaintance of sorts from years back....
"female" ...she asked again....
"ya" my answer to that question...she pursed her lips...and then she relaxed...
she take another cigarette and lit it....she inhaled and spat out the smoke....3 times in rapid succession....she drank her coffee....after a while looked me in the face...
"tell me...if i died....would you go out drinking like that?" ... a pensive 60 seconds went by....
"maybe" ...that all i can say to her....honestly i didnt know how to react to that question....another 60 seconds went by....she finished her cigarette and her coffee....
"maybe it good enough for me" ....she packed her things....and before she go out the door she said...
"youre probably right" ....she toying with the lighter that i gave her...
"i come here to talk thing through...but i guess that not the point right it?...i know well enough myself" ......
among the women a man meets in his life...there are only three who have real meaning for less....
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Bad luck, blue eyes, goodbye
Friday, August 14, 2009
What make us different
18 ekor rimau
3 kupu kupu
bunga melati, abu, si matahari
mencari 250 atau 350
niat sungguh suci
kesalahan yang dicipta
hati merah patah
itulah risiko
itulah beban
pengajaran belum di terima
yang normal
belum pasti mengerti
belum pasti menghargai
masih kabur
masih mentah
hati berdarah
jiwa berkecai
hanya mampu menilai
di waktu ini
di bawah pengaruh
masih kacau
2 pagi
mabuk lagi
tak akan ingat semua
bunga melati, abu, si matahari
teman sepi
Monday, August 10, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
If you see kay
tell him he may...
you such a beach..
see you and tea...
tell him from me...
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
2. _____ is the body hidden in the trunk...
3. _____ is the habit you cant seem to quit...
4. _____ are my secrets on the front page every week...
5. _____ is the car you never should have bought...
6. _____ are the train you never should have caught...
7. _____ are the cut that makes me hide my face....
8. _____ are the party that makes me feel my age...
what is the difference between ignorance and apathy?....
i dont know and i dont care....
Monday, July 27, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Romantic comedy
you know most people....they go their whole life and they never find someone they love you know?....they say they do because everybodys the star of their own romantic comedy....but their full of had women that loved us for who we were.....really loved us for who we were....and we fucked it up.....for what....some stupid piece of ass we forget about ten minutes later?......
do man are such a dog.?...
actual mathematical equations devoted to this popular question have suggested it is true...though not for the simple reasons you might think....
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Unforced error
a beatle
a spiderweb
a cherry blossom
a butterfly
a skull
and a tribal
all those things that werent supposed to happen?
they happened
the floodgates were expected to open
im sure the decision is in fact a correct decision but taken at a wrong time
what i like about this experience is
that it is such an honest thing
you left me with
too small white gold ring
for what?
does nobody understand?
what happens next is up to me?
codeine . . . bourbon
does all hell break loose or will hell freeze over?

Friday, July 10, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
you probably think this post is about you...
youre so vain...
ill bet you think this post is about you...
dont you?..
dont you?...
some of the post it might be about you...
some may not...
some may seem it all about you...
but it about other people...
some may seem about other people...
but it definitely about you....
sometime it look like it about you...
but honestly it not....
it purely coincidence...
an honest mistake...
so chill out will ya....
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
if you had another chance will you do it differently....well everbody say that... and its bullshit....cause you will do it just the same....
life is to fucking boring not to try......yeah....fuck that.....
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
booze isnt really your drug of choice anyway....
youre addicted to chaos....
for some of us....
its coke.....
for some of us...
its bourbon.....
for some of us...
its x.....
but you?....
you got hooked on disaster....
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Season/Series finale?
the series started at 97... its run until 98 when the producer want to try something else... a lot of the original cast was changed after that...i watched it from the pilot until the season ended it 98... it was a good series.... a bunch of school leaver trying to adapt in a real world.....the chemistry between the cast were so good.... it make you think that the cast know each other long before the series started...but it a shame...most of the cast were changed for a new character...the series still air until now....but a lot have changed since i watch a few episode of it... but i need to get to know some of the new character...which is kinda suck ...but gradually the series still have some good storyline to it....
this miniseries started in 98.... ive been watching it for almost 11 tell a story about a different group of people stuck in a university....u got a nerd...a rebel...a slacker....a drama queen...the prom queen.... a jock.....a player...a bitch...all those group stuck was good for the first half of the series...where there a lot of issues got some comedy...some action...the drama...the romantic....all of the genre were there....but after a few season ... the show become boring....the character have grown up...instead of showing all the fun the series become a serious series...with an occasionally few fun ....most of the character in the series were married... only a few still single...which is the the series theme are more to may be fun for some viewer but not to me...but lately there are some episode that was good.... it show some break up stuff...where some heart been also have some lesbian issues....and it also have an episode where the character bitching about another character....which is so much fun....other than was the same old not sure wheter the series will continue or maybe the producer will have a spin-off for some of the character...
this was a fun show.... the show is all about partys...boozes...girls...drugs...and boozes....watching the show gave me some great moment....the episode where they throw one of the biggest party ever...where most of the cast were sooo wasted....then there was an episode when one of the character have 2 girlfriend at the same time....there also an episode when one of the cast were so wasted he became another person.....the show was a blast....the series started in 99....but i only saw the series in first i really hate the series.... some of the character were so fake....but eventually the series become the end of 06 the show it not for me anymore....the writer dont have any new issues to they start to create a romantic situation among the cast....the series is kinda Grey Anatomy but become so predictable....
it a story about a group of stoner and 1 drug free dude...the show like a documentary.... showing all the process of gettin a like Weeds but it suckier than Weeds....i watch it for a couple of season...but right now i stop watching....
plan b
this is a new series that i watch.... it start in 01 but i religiously watch it in late 07....the show is like Lost...where u dont now what might happen in the next episode....u dont know what the show is all about... it have everything....but when im watching it sometime it felt like i dont belong to the show...because i dont know the history and the relationship between the it felt awkward sometime...but sometime kinda a feel good about it because not knowing make it a lot more fun.....this last few episode... the show kinda lost it spark...i dont know what happen ... but maybe the producer trying to go a different direction...maybe to capture a few more audience....some of the character are growing up.... move on to a different level...some are trying to grow up ...some become a different person...some even lost their cool.....the show become bleak and boring....maybe it just a while...i need to watch a few more episode to make my mind....
this is a review from one tv addict.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Getting close
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I have seen the fnords
maybe deep in my mind i want to see it...
maybe it true ....
maybe im making it true so i would believe it....
maybe it was stage....
maybe it exist...
maybe it just apophenia....
maybe it just pareidolia....
maybe im paranoid....
maybe im thinking to much...
maybe im right....
maybe im wrong...
and maybe i have seen the fnords....
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
In my defence
cry for help...
an invitation for mano e mano session...
attention whore alert....
some corny hook up or pick up line...
definitely not a suicide note.....
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Someone daughter, someone mother, someone wife
minding my own business...
chilling with few people....
you werent there though....
with a glass of pinot in my left....
and a bottle of chardonnay in my right...
looking happy...
it might be the happiest day in my whole life ...
living the moment....
the moment might be forever....
the scenery was delightful...
i can smell the rite smell...
i can hear the bird chipping while the blue at sunrise playing in background...
someone tap my shoulder....
i turned around...
she standing there...
someone daughter, someone mother,someone wife....
she pour the wine on my face...
throw the bottle into the pool...
and gave me a slap in the face...
what the fuck?...
no words...
no bitching....
no yelling....
just like that...
and it over...
come on supposed to be a good dream...or it should end with some happy ending...dude why on earth you were there....i dont care about the meaning or a clue or some deep shit pertaining to the dream.... why you were confused me....what bother me the most is why you ruin it for me....damn you....
im disturbed yet curious....
im bitching bout the her in the dream not on real life.... capiche
Friday, May 29, 2009
Termination of contract
Mrs. Fifteen Diesel Whores
Assistant Chief of Fun Officer
Chubby Inc
RE: Termination of Mrs. Fifteen Diesel Whores Contract with Fifteen Beaches
Dear Mrs. Fifteen Diesel Whores,
top10beaches welcomes the decision made of Fifteen Beaches to terminate from the chill out contract previously made with the Mrs. Fifteen Diesel Whores. Fifteen Beaches has correctly determined that the agreement, as originally designed, cannot be properly fulfilled to Fifteen Beaches high international standards. top10beaches welcomes this news, and commends Fifteen Beaches for choosing the right course of action.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Més que un club
38 years old...
60 games played...
154 total goals...
105 goals in league...
average over 60% ball possession every single game...
19 La liga title...
25 Spanish cup...
3 Champion league...
1 arsenal "hero konon"...
1 monyet who score in the final...
1 greatest player who prove he better than chistina...
first club in Spain to win the treble of La Liga, Copa Del Rey and UEFA Champion League...
hehehehe.... gloating time.....
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
a dream is the experience of envisioned images, sounds, or other sensations during sleep....the events of dreams are often impossible or unlikely to occur in physical reality, and are usually outside the control of the dreamer....
the story
im thinking about this weird dream i had last night that in retrospect is making me sort of sad.....scared...confused...repent...i wont go too into not giving you details...well im confused as a baby in a topless so weird everything dont make also make me doubt every action made after the weird the dream seem.... it also felt so fucked up everything that been made me do some soul made me wanted to play the white knight instead of the black king....maybe there are governing rules to how people behave and respond....maybe there is a scientific way of looking at emotions....maybe im just taking this too far....
what if you slept... and what if in your sleep you dreamed....and what if in your dream you went to someplace and there you picked a strange and beautiful flower....and what if when you awoke you had the flower in your hand?...... ah.....what then?.....
god it feels so strange.... ive had periods of time before where i feel detached... but this is different....even though i dont really understand it after all....i dont even know what im talking about.... im not really sure what im trying to say..... i guess ill stop writing now.... im out of words for the moment....where the sejadah?...
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Run out of luck
3 hours till the moon there were we....miss example-of-murphy-law...miss soon-to-be-mrs...trying to kill time before 8....talking...listening...watching matter of will be over...
it would be awesome if you guys cry during the main event....
it would be super awesome if you guys fall apart and hate each others and not friend anymore...
only time will tell that....
but it would be the man if you guys still together until one of you die....
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The M word
"what do you think?... im not a starfish or a pepper tree.... im a living, breathing human being.... of course ive been in love...."
that was my answer to her(not an exact quote,but it cooler this way), miss my-hobby-is-to-ask-other-personal-question...damn man.... she ask to many question... question that i dont even ask myself....she so nonchalant ask people bout their personal life... question that make you uncomfortable...
then there was miss i-go-with-the-flow which think that innocently(what another word for innocent .... ignorant... or what i like to call stupid) believe that relationship is all about heart...she foolishly believe that it nothing to do with experience or knowledge or hardwork or other things... "the heart want what the heart want" that is her mantra ...
all this questions and opinion doesnt seem to bother most people.... given the chance... people are surprisingly frank when they talk about themselves.... "im honest and open to a ridiculous degree"... theyll say.. or "im thin-skinned and not the type who gets along easily in the world...." or "im very good at sensing others true feelings...." but any number of times ive seen people who say theyre easily hurt... hurt other people for no apparent reason.... self-styled honest and open people... without realizing what theyre doing... blithely use some self-serving excuse to get what they want.... and those "good at sensing others true feelings" ...are duped by the most transparent flattery.... its enough to make me ask the question.... how well do we really know ourselves?"
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
i fight the injured...
i dont like old people...
i not comfortable with other people parents...
that my fucking niche... u got it... now go mess with other people..
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Talking jive

that a thing about people knowing anything about you before you meet them.... is that you have to work just to get people back to knowing nothing about you..... so..... i would take me an hour or two at this point.... to ease someone mind into knowing nothing about me.... from thinking they know something about me.....
part two
part of me doesnt like it when everything works.... i dont think everybody like it when everything works..... when i was 25.... i dont want everything to work.... i knew those were the years that is suppose to be fight it out..... and to expect your whole life to be the place when you have to fight it out.... and then realise that you dont have to anymore....
part three
it only fun when youre trying to get into your grasp.... it like you know when you catch it... throw back into water and catch it again... that really what i wanna do in my whole life....
Thursday, April 16, 2009
For Love Not Lisa

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Beaches Bitching

i dont usually do this .....
but what the heck.....
i need to do this sometime.....
im sorry for bitching at you about my life.....
im sorry for ranting about my hatred for everything....
i know i have problem...
and it my fucking problem....
sorry for drag you into this mess....
im sorry for you guy that have to listen to me for the last 2 months....
im sorry ... i really am....
anything before february im not gonna ask for forgiveness....
only february onwards to ends of march....
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The girl at the beach

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Friday, March 20, 2009

everything passes....nobody gets anything for keeps.....and that how we have got to live....
rest in peace
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Where the light is

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

i was check in by 4....
put the sign on the door.....
look up the window of the 11th floor.....
talk to city that know me by name and all the bad thing that i do......
i shed 5 bitter tears into 5 bitter beers.....
look up my watch and say "when have the year gone".....
im wasting away like a castle of clay....
slowly crumble into.....
i was fucked by 5.....
talking nothing but jive.....
told the bartender he never take me alive......
all of this because i dont sleep for 19 hours straight.....
so i call up marie.....
she have sex for free.....
for a couple of free cocktail she listen to me....
talk about memories and relationship....
and why i can cope up with the scene....
every monday i got this pain....
every wednesday it hit my brain.....
every friday i die.....
cause every day i still dont have my freedom.....
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Check Out
i try every approach to living...
i try... try it all...
i havent try everything but i try every approach...
sometime you have to try everything...
to get the approach the same...
i try it all...
bought a bunch of stuff ....
and like nahh .. i dont like that...
i kinda came into that for a couple of time....
i thought i would shut myself off...
i thought maybe that cool....
maybe that what you should have to do to be genius...
is you have to be mad...
so if you could be mad before the word genius...
maybe you can make genius appear...
that doesnt work either....
and im in a good place...
im pace myself pretty well....
im near 30 ....
ive seen some cool stuff...
made a lot of stuff happen for myself...
im made a lot of stuff happen for myself...
that a really cool sentence when you in your 20s....
"im made it happen for myself man"....
but all that mean...
it that im just somehow i found i way ....
to synthesize love...
or synthesize soothing...
you cant get that...
and what im saying is...
ive mess with all the approach except for one...
and it gonna sound really corny...
but that just love...that just love...
im done everything in my life that i wanna do ...
except just give and feeling love for my living...
and i dont mean like...
roman-candle-firework-hollywood-hot-pink love...
i mean like i-got-your-back love...
i dont need to hear "i love you"...
you guys love me ....
and i love you ....
we got that down....
but some other people who would tell you they love you...
it the same people who be the last who have your back....
so ....
im gonna experiment with this love thing...
giving love...
feeling love...
i know it sound really corny....
but it the last thing i got to check out...
before i check out...
im an addict ....
it been 9 hours since my last fix...
im ok if you care....
but the itch is killing me....
the last 7 days was a blast...
i slept an average 3 hours a day...
most of my time either in office or in datacenter....
how do i know im an addict?...
i no longer watch tv...
i answer my phone even though im asleep...
i no longer have a proper dinner...
i dont have a weekends...
but mostly because of this....
ive turned down an invitation to a bachelor party....
it not an ordinary bachelor party...
it was a bachelor party that you seen on tv shows or movies...
where they have booze and striper....
booze and striper...
im a workaholic....
yeah....i said it...
i dont want to be like chubby used to be...
i hate this fucking job....
im so quiting this job....
tomorrow... i will get wasted.....
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
you got all the quality for us to fall into....
do you were created by pure hatred?...
but you come out beautiful....
this "beautiful evil" were offering seductive gifts....
and they name you ....
sometime ....
your deceitful feminine nature become least of my worry...
your purpose is to multiply all the trouble....
for you who bring with you a pithos....
at first....
i did not want to throw my life away....
no matter how much the other evils might torment me...
but rather to go on letting myself be tormented anew....
to that end....
you promptly scattered the contents of your pithos....
releasing all the evil of mankind....
but one is left behind.....
for a moment elpis was left within her unbreakable house...
before long...
elpis carrying flowers or cornucopia in her hands....
in truth......
it is the most evil of evils because it prolongs my torment....
it dont matter ....
either out of curiosity or malicious act....
you are anesidora....
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
i wanna drink until my liver cry...
i wanna capture all those moment...
i wanna remembered all those line...
i wanna watch every sunrise on an old bench at the quiet beach...
i wanna read until my finger bleed....
i wanna sleep until im bored....
i wanna hang out until my buntut say fuck off....
i wanna play all video games whenever i want....
i wanna chill everywhere ....
i wanna live in that moment over and over again....
it sound stupid.....but why not?......
i wanna write a song....
when the sky is empty and the earth is dry....
im pouring my passion for you.....
make you crazy and make you thirsty....
i want the whole world to know youre mine....
the weather gone mad and the see is boiling....
that why i want to seize the day....
stop wasting time.....
and be a dream chaser....
an angel like you...
should have wing and name....
should have fatal beauty...
should belong for me once....
the ends of the world scare me not.....
i will keep enjoying myself....
cause creating you make me less piss off.....
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
but i could see by the look in her eyes....
midori been drinking at laundry for a while....
playing with the thought of leaving..
dont know why but midori just smiled..
and mentioned something about how you were right..
must have been hard to see through the tears she was hiding...
she said "i might not be seeing him soon"...
"i have got a few things i have been waiting to do"...
midori came by tonight...
she says to say goodbye...
looked outside at the car in the drive...
and the suitcase on the back seat inside...
sure its so she cant look out behind at the road...
dont look down she seemed alright...
you might be asking where is midori tonight?....
somewhere out on the highway im sure she is fine....
Monday, February 16, 2009
Fundamentally Loathsome
this is to one last day in a shadow ... and to know a brother love...
this to california city angel ... and the crazy people that she met....
this to all of us....
Sunday, February 15, 2009
on old life...
or lack thereof...
after all the crushes are faded...
and all my wishful thinking was wrong...
im jaded...
i hate it....
no im not the man i used to be lately....
see you met me at an interesting time...
if my past is any sign of your future...
you should be warned before i let you inside...
its kinda hard trying to survive...
in all this crazy weather...
everybody wants my number...
everybody calling my name ...
now all of these people ask me...
is it lonely at the top...
or do I find comfort in all the things I got...
well these car keep me moving...
these wine keep me high...
friends.... check...
good times... check...
entertainment... check...
all... check...
all of you.... check...
everyone.... check...
having fun....check...
and i dont know what it is...
no i dont know what it is at all??...
something missing.....
but all I feel alone...
it might be a quarter life crisis....
or just the stirring in my soul ....
so i will check the weather wherever you are...
cause i wanna know if you can see the stars tonight...
might be my only right...
should have smiled in that picture....
if its the last that i will see of you...
its the least that you...
could not do...
i guess its the price i have to pay...
still ....
everything happens for a reason...
3 more traffic light to my apartment but...
i am tempted to keep the car in drive....
and leave it all behind....
you be a bitch because you can....
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Levant Epiphany
abstain eleventh chippy!!!
Friday, February 13, 2009
trong == to think high of, to hold in esteem....
yeah rite....
but in reality...
or in a parallel universe...
it more suitable for this...
trong == totally and utterly fucked up,things are really fucked up...
my life definition is not like throwing a dice in a Lord of The Ring Risk board game ....
but like an obscure and complex variant of poker in a pitch-dark room .....
with blank cards .....
for infinite stakes ....
with a dealer who wont tell you the rules ....
and who smiles all the time ....
im tronged .....
Thursday, February 12, 2009
days will come and go...
but dude we will grow old...
but we will die...
for now...
is it worth it to be sad...
if it's harder to be glad...
to be alive...
but the trouble i have caused...
i wonder....
where do i belong....
is it here?....
laugh about the past...
and secretly...
wish we could go back...
and save the heart....
as i look around this room...
seeing worried eyes i know....
its time we cannot buy....
was this worth the time to write....
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
the same old thing we did last week
not a thing to do but talk to you
hisap shisa dengan gigi
the aircond suck but we dont care
some will gone but lepak live on
hell yeah
we still rocking in idaman
we're all alright
we're all alright
yeah, haha, oh
play gin rummy untill 4 pagi
loser nye die kena jentik banyak kali
not a thing to do but talk to you
not a thing to do hell yeah
we still rocking in idaman
we're all alright
we're all alright
yeah,oh yeah,oh yeah
menyanyi ikut lagu thats 70s show by Cheap Trick
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
a lonely number like root three
a three is all that's good and right
why must my three keep out of sight
beneath a vicious square root sign
i wish instead i were a nine
for nine could thwart this evil trick
with just some quick arithmetic
i know i'll never see the sum, as 1.7321
such is my reality, a sad irrationality
when hark! what is this i see
another square root of a three
has quietly come waltzing by
together now we multiply
to form a number we prefer
rejoicing as an integer
we break free from our mortal bonds
and with a wave of magic wands
our square root signs become unglued
and love for me has been renewed
The Square Root of 3 by David Feinberg
im disturbed yet curious.....
Thursday, February 5, 2009
it weird ...
but amazing...
years of gliding downhill and pushing uphill...
and now its suddenly gliding both way....
its like going from C to Python...
you dont realize how much time you spending on the boring parts...
until you dont have to do it anymore....
but coding C or assembly make you a better programmer....
maybe the boring part build character...
but it depend on how you want to spend your life....
life a waste of time... time a waste of life so lets all get wasted and have the time of our life....
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
you not the person im asking a favor...
you not even the guy that i talk to....
you not even a dude on my hate list ...
you dont even deserve my hypocrite....
it doesnt matter what you did...
it doesnt matter what i felt...
what matter is that you did something...
and for that thing i wont forget....
waiting for a right time to return the favor......
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Bebel from another me to me
my good time and my stage fright...
in another night...
where the lights are loud and bright....
one dream from waking up saved....
too shy to hold in the rage ... i hope that was a wrong line....
i know no luxury....
of knowing what your eyes read....
i know one million ways ... yes i do...
to always pick the wrong thing to say....
a love that you never gave....
i told you i always a time zone away....
dude its not out of spite....
i just know whats right....
sometimes a memory....
only sees what it wants to believe....
and whats filled in between....
are days and nights that dont ever mean a thing ... you know they dont...
it such a simple suicide...
some people call it a second chance that they never tried...
what i want you to understand....
sometime i need a helping hand...
so you think that youve seen it all....
is that a fact?....
so out your mouth a dictionary....
spouts about this and that...
you got your dos, your donts...
your because and your why....
i dont trust that motherfucker too...
who dont take their own advice....
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Mind Fuck
and things got real suddenly .... no more fantasy .... no more illusion.... like your worst nightmare coming true .... things that i believe (psychological state in which an individual holds a proposition or premise to be true) is substantial.... what a fucked up world we live in ..... hahaha ...what if you sincerely believed something was true... but you were dead wrong?... what if you were so stubbornly sure that you were right... that you wouldnt even consider the truth?... would the truth be silenced... or would it try to break through?....
never cross my mind that this will happen to me ... ive felt saudated .... longing for things that ive known but not remembered ... i have what i need ... checked everything that i own literary and figuratively .... but something is missing speaking of this desire ... which i find in myself even now... i feel a certain shyness... i am almost committing an indecency.... i am trying to rip open the inconsolable secret in each one of you... ive open a pandora box ... things that i dont want to know ... things that i shouldnt know .... and things that never cross my mind ... all absorbing into this shity things call brain of mine ... the secret which hurts so much that you take your revenge on it by calling it names like "memories" and "those are the days" and "my younger day"... the secret also which pierces with such sweetness that when.. in very intimate conversation..the mention of it becomes imminent...we grow awkward and affect to laugh at ourselves... the secret we cannot hide and cannot tell...though we desire to do both.... we cannot tell it because it is a desire for something that has never actually appeared in our experience..... we cannot hide it because our experience is constantly suggesting it... and we betray ourselves like lovers at the mention of a name.....our commonest expedient is to call it beauty and behave as if that had settled the this a jokes? ... an inside joke only fews understand it.... while we stumble and fall ... try to stand back .... we amuse an elite group of people who have this schadenfreude emotion towards other ... im not mad .... im in rage .... in fact im rager than rage (if such a word exist) .... my heart fill with hatred ... because there are few thing that i dont understand ... and i cant find someone who understand all this shit .... and its knock me ... damnnn... haihhhhhhh....
i used to think somewhere in the future ... i will change ... i will have my own transformation ... my refinement of self ... or someone will change me... nahhhh...maybe ive lost a lot of my brain cell ... due to excessive drinking and inhaling those cigarette smoke do i come with that thought?.... crap ... people cant change .... only a tiny fraction may change a little bit ... but to change drastically ... maybe 1 in a trillion or something like that ... the percentage is low ... so much low .... we are who we are ... attitude cannot be change in an instant ... it take years of everything to be who you are .... everything that happen in the past... doesnt matter what it is ... it build your character ...our expedient was to identify it with certain moments in our own past.... but all this is a cheat.... If we had gone back to those moments in the past... we would not have found the thing itself... but only the reminder of it... what we remembered would turn out to be itself a remembering.... all this bullshit is a tease.... forbidden to remember yet terrified to forget.... it was a hard line to walk.... damnnnn..... dont get me wrong ....i dont hate my life .... i love it .... im not hating myself ....i worship it... it just something that i dont agree .... something that need to be said .... im not saying my life is perfect ... i cheat ... i lie.... i altered certain things to make me feel good... im just saying that how you sleep at night when you tell someone with your poker face that things will be alright when it is not ..... you promise them things that you will know that you gonna break it in a future.... you keep building the lies that to make up for all that you lack.... the books or the music in which we thought the beauty was located will betray us if we trust to was not in them... it only came through them....and what came through them was longing.... these things ...the beauty... the memory of our own past....are good images of what we really desire... but if they are mistaken for the thing itself they turn into dumb fuck...breaking the hearts of their worshipers....for they are not the thing itself.... they are only the scent of a flower we have not found....the echo of a tune we have not heard.... news from a country we have never yet visited....
maybe it was still raining but i didnt notice... i didnt care....
ive got pwned with fate so badly ive throw up a little bit.... i am newb to this game .... a low level necromancer with a white bone wand .... haahahha.....